
Bacteria Surface Display

Bacteria Surface Display

  • Background
  • Platform Overview

Bacterial surface display is a protein engineering technology used for in vitro protein evolution. Our company, equipped with extensive expertise, has successfully established a robust bacterial surface display platform. This innovative method leverages the capability to display target proteins on the surface of bacteria, facilitating efficient generation, screening, and optimization of single domain antibodies. This breakthrough approach paves the way for the development of next-generation therapeutics.

What is Bacteria Surface Display?

Bacteria surface display is based on the principle of genetically fusing the target protein or peptide of interest to a surface protein on the outer membrane of bacteria. By displaying the target protein on the bacterial cell surface, a vast and diverse library of antibodies can be generated and screened for binding to specific targets.

Common Bacterial Types

This technology uses the natural ability of bacteria to present proteins on their surface. Commonly used bacteria include Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Lactococcus lactis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, etc.

Anchoring Protein Types

The target protein is usually fused to a carrier or anchor protein, such as outer membrane protein A (OmpA), ice nucleation protein (INP), autotransporter proteins, cellulosome scaffoldin, etc., to ensure its proper display on the bacterial surface.

Principle of Escherichia coli surface display.Fig. 1 The process of bacterial surface display. (Al-Ramahi Y, et al., 2021)

Our Services

Bacterial surface display has emerged as a transformative technology in the realm of antibody discovery and research. Leveraging our expertise in this field, our company has established a state-of-the-art platform for bacterial surface display technology. With this advanced platform at our disposal, we offer a comprehensive solution for the screening and affinity optimization of single domain antibodies (sdAbs), catering to the diverse requirements of our valued customers.

Workflow of Bacteria Surface Display

Construction of antibody library.

sdAb Library Construction

Isolate and amplify sdAb genes from an existing library and clone them into a suitable bacterial display vector, such as a plasmid. The vector should contain a signal peptide for secretion, a surface display scaffold protein (e.g., OmpA, PelB), and a gene encoding a selectable marker (e.g., antibiotic resistance) for screening and enrichment.

Antibody expression.

Transformation and Expression

Once the sdAb library is constructed, it is introduced into a host bacterium, such as Escherichia coli, through a process called transformation. The transformed bacteria then express the sdAbs on their cell surface under the control of a strong promoter.

Enrichment of high-affinity bacteria.

Affinity Enrichment

This step aims to enrich the library for sdAbs with high affinity towards the target molecule. This process typically involves multiple rounds of binding and washing steps, where the bacteria displaying sdAbs are exposed to the target molecule. The non-binding bacteria are washed away, while those bacteria with bound sdAbs are collected and amplified for subsequent rounds of enrichment.

Single domain antibody screening.

Screening and Isolation

Next, the bacterial library is subjected to screening assays to identify sdAbs with the desired binding specificity and affinity. Various screening methods can be employed, such as flow cytometry, magnetic bead-based assays, or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS).

Antibody characterization.

Characterization and Iterative Optimization

Once potential sdAb candidates are identified, they undergo thorough characterization and optimization to ensure their functionality and stability. Multiple parameters are evaluated, such as binding kinetics, thermal stability, chemical stability, and expression level. In addition, site-directed mutagenesis techniques can be employed to enhance the affinity or alter the binding specificity of selected sdAbs.

Technical Advantages and Optional Bacterial Types

Technical Advantages

  • High Display Efficiency
  • Wide Compatibility
  • Flexible Library Construction
  • High-Throughput Screening
  • Affinity Maturation and Optimization
  • Cost and Time Efficiency

Optional Bacterial Types

  • Escherichia Coli (E. coli)
  • Bacillus Subtilis
  • Lactococcus Lactis
  • Pseudomonas Fluorescens
  • Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Salmonella Enterica

Our Advantages

Time-saving services with high efficiency

Professional and experienced team

Cutting edge technology platform

Numerous service cases and customer praise

At our company, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of single domain antibody screening technologies. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us for further information and pricing details.


  1. Al-Ramahi Y, Nyerges A, Margolles Y, et al. ssDNA recombineering boosts in vivo evolution of nanobodies displayed on bacterial surfaces[J]. Communications Biology, 2021, 4(1): 1169.
  2. Xu Q, Ni P, Liu D, et al. A bacterial surface display system expressing cleavable capsid proteins of human norovirus: a novel system to discover candidate receptors[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8: 2405.

For research use only, not for clinical use.